发布人: 宋老师    发布时间: 2016-08-26    浏览次数: 5104



Email fyhuang@seu.edu.cn

电 话 : 025-83790890

传 真 : 025-83792882


  1964年出生。1986年毕业于北京大学,获学士学位。1988年在复旦大学获硕士学位。同年获得 “李政道物理学奖”到英国巴斯大学(Univ. of Bath, England)就读。1991年到宜利诺斯大学香槟分校(UIUC)攻读博士学位,并于1994年获得博士学位。毕业后到加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校电子工程系做博士后。1997年进入美国IBM,担任高级半导体技术中心ASTC高级工程师。2001年,被聘为中国科学院半导体研究所中国科学院“百人计划”特聘研究员,并担任半导体研究所微电子中心兼职副主任。2002年受聘东南大学无线电工程系兼职教授。2003年长江学者奖励计划特聘教授,担任东南大学无线电工程系教授,博士生导师,并担任东南大学射频与光电集成电路研究所副所长。

  多篇论文发表在半导体、微电子、光电子、以及集成电路等领域国际最权威期刊或会议上,发表论文被SCI收录50多篇。以第一作者发表约35篇。论文被SCI他人引用500多篇次。包括物理方面国际最权威的Phys. Rev. Lett. (单独作者2),集成电路领域国际最有影响的IEEE J. Solid State Circuits  (1篇,第一作者),微电子领域国际最著名的年会IEEE IEDM (2篇,及1篇论文摘要,第一作者1),微电子领域国际权威的IEEE Electron Device Lett. (1篇,第一作者),以及IEEE Photonic Tech. Lett (1篇,第一作者)Appl. Phys. Lett. (14篇,第一作者11)。多次在国际会议上做技术报告。曾被国际化合物半导体年会大会主席特别邀请做特邀报告。在微电子器件模型方面的成果发表在IEEE JSSC<固态线路杂志>,并被中国科技核心期刊《科技导报》评为30项“2006年中国重大科学进展”之一,是其中6项“2006年中国高新技术基础研究领域重大进展”之一。在英国物理学会出版社出版的《Hand book of Thin Film Process Technology》《薄膜工艺技术手册》,IOP publishingEngland,上发表两章器件和工艺的专著章节。被授予9项美国专利(6项是单独发明人)。申请9项中国发明专利,其中2项已授权。

  目前主要的研究方向包括深亚微米器件模型和参数提取以及射频集成电路设计等。在深亚微米器件模型和参数提取方面,开创了在片传输线及螺旋电感等无源器件模型的国际上全新的模型参数提取算法–特征函数法,在国际上产生了一定影响。成果在集成电路领域国际最著名的期刊IEEE JSSC 《固态线路杂志》发表(200610月刊)。在射频集成电路设计方面,负责承担多项通信领域的国家科技重大专项以及863课题,主要开展超宽带(UWB)脉冲无线电的发射、接收电路的设计与实现,以及面向IMT-Advanced等宽带通信系统的芯片、器件与模块研发。



1. F. Y. Huang, N. Jiang  , E.L. Bian, “Modeling of Single-Π Equivalent Circuit for on-chip Spiral Inductors,” Solid State Electronics, Vol.49(3), pp.473-478, March 2005

2. F. Y. Huang, N. Jiang , L.Xie, J.X. Lu , W.G. Wu , “Analysis of Characteristic Functions for Equivalent Circuit Model in Spiral Inductors,” Proceedings,2004, 7th ICSICT , Beijing, Vol. I:190-193, 2004

3. F. Y. Huang, N. Jiang , Y.P. Zeng, Review on Epitaxial Crystal Growth on Compliant Substrate,” Proceedings 2004, 7th ICSICT, Beijing, vol. III: 2178-2182, 2004

4. F. Y. Huang, “Comment on 'New approach in equilibrium theory for strained layer relaxation,” Phys. Rev. Lett. , Vol. 85(20),  pp.4411-4411,  Nov. 2000.

. 5. F. Huang, “Magnetic-field-indcued two-dimensional electron lattice with a conjugate flux lattice,” Philosophical Magazine B (Condensed matter),  Vol .80(11),  pp. 1893-1901, Nov.  2000.

6. F. Huang, “Reciprocal de Haas-van Alphen Oscillations in two-dimensional electron superlattice,”  Physics Lett. A,  Vol .273(4), pp.252-257, Aug. 2000.

7. F. Huang, “Theory of Strain Relaxation for Epitaxial layers grown on substrate of a finite dimension,”  Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 85(4), pp. 784-787,  Jul. 2000.

8. F. Huang, “Effect of strain transfer on critical thickness for epitaxial layers grown on compliant substrate,” Appl. Phys. Lett. , Vol. 76(21), pp .3046-3048,  May  2000.

9. F. Huang, et al., “High-quality strain-relaxed SiGe alloy grown on implanted silicon-on-insulator substrate,” Appl. Phys. Lett.,  Vol. 76(19), pp.2680-2682, May 2000.

10. G. Freeman, D. Ahlgren, D. Greenberg, R. Groves,  F. Huang, et al., “A 0.18 um 90 GHz FT SiGe HBT BiCMOS, ASIC-Compatible, Copper Interconnect Technology for RF and Microwave Applications,”  IEEE IEDM, Washington, DC, USA, pp.569-572, 1999.

11.F. Huang, Y. Tang, et al., K. Wang, “Photoluminescence from SiGe/Si quantum dots with wavelength in the visible range,” Electronics Letters,  Vol.33 (20),  pp.1736-1737, Sep. 1997.

12.M. A. Chu, M. Tanner, F. Y. Huang, et al., “Photoluminescence and x-ray studies of low dislocation SiGe alloy grown on compliant SOI substrate,” J. Cryst. Growth,  Vol. 175,  pp.1278-1283, 1997.

13.F. Y. Huang, K. Sakamato, et al., “Epitaxial SiGeC Waveguide Photodetector Grown on Si Substrate with Response in the 1.3–1.55 um Wavelength Range,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,  Vol. 9(2), pp.229-231, Feb. 1997.

14.F. Y. Huangand K. L. Wang, “Normal-incidence epitaxial SiGeC photodetector near 1.3 um wavelength grown on Si substrate,” Appl. Phys. Lett. , Vol. 69(16), pp.2330-2332, Oct. 1996.

15.F. Huang, S. Thomas, M. Chu, et al, “Epitaxial SiGeC/Si photodetector with response in the 1.3-1.55 μm wavelength range,” IEEE IEDMTechnical Digest, San Francisco, USA, pp.665-668,  1996.

16.F. Y. Huang and K. L. Wang, “Strain transfer between thin films on buried oxide and its applications in hetero-epitaxial crystal growth,” Philosophical Magazine Letters, Vol.72(4),  pp.231-237 , Oct. 1995.

17.F. Y. Huang, X. Zhu, M. O. Tanner, and K. L. Wang, “Normal-incidence strained-layer superlattice Ge0.5Si0.5/Si  photodiodes near 1.3 µm,” Appl. Phys. Lett.,  Vol. 67(4), pp.566-568, July 1995.

18.F. Huang, et al., H. Morkoc, “Multistep characteristics in Si/SixGe1-x/Si heterojunction bipolar transistor with δ-doped base ,”  Electronics Letters Vol.31(8) , pp.683 - 684 ,  April  1995.

19.A. Salvador,Sverdlov B., F. Y. Huang, et al., “Resonant-cavity enhanced INP/INGAAS Photodidode on Si using epitaxial liftoff,” Appl. Phys. Lett.,  Vol. 65(15),  pp.1880-1882, Oct. 1994.

20.A. Salvador, F. Huang, et al., “InP/InGaAs resonant cavity enhanced photodetector and light emitter diode with external mirrors on Si,” Electronics Letters, Vol.30(18),  pp.1527-1529, Sep. 1994.

21.G. Zhou, F. Huang, H. Morkoc, “Observation of negative differential resistance in strained n-type Si/SiGe MODFETs,” Solid-State Electronics, Vol.37(10), pp.1687-1689, Oct. 1994.

22.M.E. Lin, F. Huang, H. Morkoc, et al., “Nonalloyed ohmic contacts to GaN using InN/GaN  short-period superlattices,” Appl. Phys.Lett., Vol .64(19), pp. 2557-2559, May 1994.

23.M. E. Lin, F. Y. Huang, et al., “Low resistance ohmic contacts on wide band-gap GaN,” Appl. Phys. Lett. , Vol. 64(8), pp. 1003-1005, Feb. 1994.

24.F. Huang, H. Morkoc, “GaAs/InGaAs/AlGaAs optoelectronic switch in avalanche heterojunction phototransistor vertically integrated with a resonant cavity,” Appl.Phys.Lett., Vol. 64(4), pp.405-407, Jan. 1994.

25.F. Huang, J. Li, L.M. Li, and H. Morkoc, “Self-consistent simulation of Stark shift of intersubband transitions in modulation doped step quantum wells,” Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.63(12), pp.1669-1671, Sep.1993.

26.F. Huang, T.C. Shen, and H. Morkoc, “Quantum tunneling of electrons through supperlattices in metal-semiconductor ohmic contacts,” Solid State Eletron, Vol.36 (10):pp.1375-1378, Oct .1993

27.F. Huang, G.L. Zhou, et al., H. Morkoc, “Optical-gain enhancement in resonant-cavity heterojunction bipolar phototransistor through emitter edge thinning,” Electron. Lett, Vol.29(9), pp.807-808, Apr. 1993.

28.F. Huang, A. Salvaldo, et al., H. Morkoc, “Resonant-cavity GaAs/InGaAs/AlAs photodiodes with a periodic absorber structure,” Appl. Phys. Lett. , Vol. 63(2) , pp.141-143,  July  1993

29.F. Huang, H. Morkoc, “Electric-field effect on the minigap states in semiconductor superlattices,” Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.60(6), pp.710-712, Feb. 1992.

30.F. Huang, and H. Morkoc, “Electronic surface state (Tamm state) under electronic field in semiconductor superlattices”, J. Appl. Phys. , Vol.71(1), pp.524-526, Jan. 1992.

31.F. Huang, “Tunneling resonance studies of electronic ministop gap mode in coupled semi-infinite semiconductor superlattices,” Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 57(21), pp.2199-2201, Nov. 1990.

32.F. Huang,  “Electronic surface state confined to the boundary of periodic multiple quantum wells,” Appl. Phys. Lett. , Vol. 57(16), pp.1669-1671, Oct. 1990.

33.F. Y. Huang, “Intersubband plasmon excitations of an electron gas in a cylindrical quantum-well wire,” Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 41(18), pp. 12957-12959, June 1990.

34.F. Y. Huang, “Dielectric-properties of electron gases confined in a quantum wire well - ring geometry,” Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, vol.2 (24): pp.5327-5333, Jun. 1990

35.F. Huang, “Quantum-confined field-effect wavelength tuning in a three-terminal double quantum well laser,” Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 56(23), pp. 2282-2284, June 1990.

36. F. Y. Huang, “Field effect on the gain coefficient in a GaAs-AlGaAs single-quantum-well laser,”  J. Appl. Phys. , Vol .67(9), pp. 4380-4382, May 1990.

37.F. Y. Huang, “Line shape of the intersubband optical-absorption in a cylindrical quantum-well,”  J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 67(4), pp. 2029-2032, Feb. 1990.

38.F. Y. Huang, Sama. J, “Three-terminal bragg structure quantum well laser with large range wavelength tenability,” Applications of Quantum Wells in Optoelectronics, IEE Colloquium (Digest) on, pp:13/1 - 13/3, Jun 1990

39.F. Y. Huang, “Mechanism of wavelength switching controlled by injection current in an asymmetric dual quantum well laser,” Applications of Quantum Wells in Optoelectronics  IEE Colloquium (Digest) on, pp:14/1 - 14/3, Jun 1990

40.F. Y. Huang, Y. Zhu, et al., “Calculations of inelastic light-scattering from surface-plasmons with null critical wave vector in a metal-insulator semi-infinite superlattice,” Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 38(12), pp. 8209-8214, Oct. 1988

41.Y. Zhu, F. Y. Huang, et al., “Surface collective excitations and Raman intensity in semiconductor superlattice topped with a metal-insulator layer,” Z. Phys. B, Vol.72(1), pp.55-58, 1988.

42.Y. Zhu, F. Y. Huang, et al., “Self-consistent energy-functional perturbation-theory for an electron gas in a cylindrical quantum well,” Phys. Rev. B , Vol. 37(15), pp.8992-8999, May 1988.

43.Y. Zhu, Z. Hu, F. Y. Huang, et al., “Coupled edge magnetoplasmons  in an electron fluid confined to a plane with a ditch”, Phys. Lett. A, Vol.128(3-4), pp.207-210, Mar. 1988.

44.F. Y. Huang, S.S. Cai, S.X. Zhou, Y. Zhu, “A new type of wave-guide composed of a cylindrical quantum well”, Journal of Physics D-applied Physics,  Vol.21(2), pp.375-377, Feb. 1988

45.L. Han, W. Jun, and  F. Y. Huang, “An improvement to Kadanoff’s lower bond variational methods in real space renormalization group theory,” Phys. Lett. A,.Vol.121(6), pp.269-273, May. 1987.


  在国际一流杂志上发表了40多篇论文,包括物理方面最著名的 《物理评论通讯(Phys. Rev. Lett) 》,《国际电子器件年会报告文集(IEEE IEDM) 》,《应用物理通讯(Appl.Phys.Lett.) 》,及Phys. Rev., J. Appl., Phys, J. Phys., IEEE Photonic Technology Letters, IEE Electronics Letters,和Physics Letters等。论文被SCI收录39篇,EI收录27篇,被SCI他人引用440多次。在英国物理学会出版社出版的《薄膜工艺和技术手册》上著有两章有关锗硅器件和工艺技术的专著章节。申请了十多项美国专利。


2003年     教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授


1989年     英国“海外留学生研究奖”

1988年    “李政道物理学奖”